SOUL TO GOD, A Soul's Journey Over Many Lives
Michael R Kramer
Michael R Kramer
At twelve years of age, a powerful spiritual force lifted me out of my body into a world of extreme Light, profound love—and bliss. A bolt of energy pierced my heart like a spear; ecstasy took my breath away. Peace overtook me as the weight of the world fell away. I floated slowly upward to hover a few feet . . .
My first memory in this life is of waking up a moment too early. In Soul form, I was returning to my two-year-old body after spending the night in higher worlds, as is the nature of Souls while their new baby body sleeps. This one morning, I awoke momentarily in Soul awareness just above my head.
In that brief moment b
Memories of the world I had lived in before my birth were on the Soul level, not in my conscious mind. Those memories returned later in life. What remained from that first Soul awakening was a sense of me being a stranger in a strange land. This world felt foreign to me—and I had no idea why. My spiritual senses had be
A terrifying dream started haunting me when I was five. In the nightmare, I was a young boy, barefoot, wearing pants that came down to my calves. I wore suspenders and a flannel shirt. It was a warm summer evening just after sunset. I was walking home along a curved dirt road that ran between a forest on my right and o
Both my parents had difficult childhoods. Dad grew up with nine other siblings on a farm in Indiana during the depression. Being born in the middle of a large family, he rarely saw or spent any time with his parents. The kids took care of the kids, older brothers and sisters raising the younger ones. He said he was sta
“I became aware that we‘re all connected. This was not only every person and living creature, but the interwoven unification felt as though it were expanding outward to include everything in the universe—every human, animal, plant, insect, mountain, sea, inanimate object, and the cosmos. I realized that the entire univ
Audio Introduction read by Timony Adres Pabon
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